On May 20th, distinguished partners from around the world gathered in Fuzhou for the "2024 Ruijie Global Enterprise Partner Summit," hosted by Ruijie Networks under the theme of " Hand in hand, Co-creating Infinity." This summit marked the beginning of a collaborative journey to accelerate market growth and drive technological innovation.

 2024 Ruijie Global Enterprise Partner Summit

2024 Ruijie Global Enterprise Partner Summit

Ruijie Networks' CEO, Zhongdong Liu, extends sincere gratitude to the attending partners. He reviewed the achievements attained by Ruijie Networks and its partners, reaffirming their commitment to embracing the global market. Embarking on an international journey, Ruijie Networks will provide global customers with more valuable innovative solutions and better services. The company aims to forge stronger friendships with more partners, joining hands to embrace a promising future.

 Ruijie Networks' CEO Zhongdong Liu Giving Welcome Note at the Summit

Ruijie Networks' CEO Zhongdong Liu Giving Welcome Note at the Summit

Happy Xu, General Manager of the Marketing and Channel Department of Ruijie Networks' Enterprise Networking Group (EBG), delivered a keynote speech at the summit. She elaborated on how Ruijie Networks embodies its core value of "customer-centricity," aiming to cultivate long-term, stable customer relationships throughout the entire customer journey. This approach aims to drive customer success and sustainable business growth. In addition to continually innovating products and solutions around customer needs, Ruijie Networks is committed to co-building ecosystems and co-creating opportunities, aiming to exceed partner expectations in terms of collaboration experiences. Ruijie Networks looks forward to fostering collaborative innovation with partners based on trust, leveraging each other's strengths to jointly navigate and create a future filled with possibilities.

 Happy Xu Delivering a Keynote Speech

Happy Xu Delivering a Keynote Speech


Loky Chen, General Manager of the International Product BU at Ruijie Networks' EBG, introduced the latest products and solutions tailored for diverse business needs in the international market. The Simplified Optical Ethernet Solution (SOE) has been upgraded to version 3.2, empowering more industries with leading electronic-photonic performance, simplified authentication systems, and intelligent operational management. Additionally, the summit witnessed the launch of the next-generation Wi-Fi 7 products, designed to bring greater value to partners, as well as the AIGC Intelligent Computing Center Network Solution tailored for next-generation AI cloud services and featuring high throughput, large bandwidth, and high availability.

 Loky Chen Unveiling Next-Gen Products and Solutions at the Summit

Loky Chen Unveiling Next-Gen Products and Solutions at the Summit

During the summit, partners engaged in discussions centered around innovation, reaching a consensus on the importance of collaboration. They acknowledged that customer challenges span across various industry demands, emphasizing the necessity of collaboration for effective innovation. Ruijie Networks and its partners are committed to not only addressing immediate issues but also focusing on future demands, collectively expanding their competitive advantages to achieve robust growth together.

Partners were impressed by the new Ruijie Digital Intelligent Factory. The concepts of intelligent manufacturing, 5G interconnection, and green manufacturing are deeply integrated into intelligent manufacturing. The Ruijie solutions represented by the SOE improve the quality and efficiency of the entire process of production, office, warehousing, and logistics, support efficient management and advanced processes, and deliver higher-quality products to global customers at a faster pace.

 Partners Visiting and Exchanging Ideas in the Digital Intelligent Factory

Partners Visiting and Exchanging Ideas in the Digital Intelligent Factory

Partners also visited Fuzhou University to explore its digital campus construction. Since 2005, Ruijie has been assisting Fuzhou University on its journey towards sustainable development through digital campus construction, offering innovative solutions tailored to educational needs and continually iterating on them. In this university where the campus network has undergone comprehensive upgrades and transformations, Ruijie's solutions have enabled more efficient operations and facilitated easier teaching and learning.

"The summit has been an eye-opening experience," said one of the distinguished partners. "Witnessing Ruijie's commitment to innovation and emphasis on cooperation has inspired us to explore new possibilities and strengthen our partnership."

Built on the pillars of innovation, collaboration, and mutual success, Ruijie Networks will join hands with partners to embark on a journey of creating infinite possibilities.